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Sosjaal netwurk dat net te keap is.

Dyn tiidline soe fol stean moatte mei wat foar dy it wichtichste is en net mei wat in bedriuw tinkt datsto sjen moatte soest. Radikaal oare sosjale media dus, werom yn hannen fan de brûker.

Hâld kontrôle oer dyn eigen tiidline

Do witst sels it bêste watsto op dyn tiidline sjen wolst. Gjin algoritmen of advertinsjes om dyn tiid te fergriemen. Folgje elkenien op elke Mastodon-server fan ien account ôf en ûntfang harren berjochten yn gronologyske folchoarder, en meitsje dyn hoekje op it ynternet in bytsje mear as dysels.

Mear ynfo

Bou dyn publyk yn fertrouwen op

Mastodon biedt dy in unike mooglikheid om dyn publyk te behearen sûnder tuskenpersoanen. Mastodon, ymplemintearre yn dyn eigen ynfrastruktuer, stelt dy yn steat om elke oare Mastodon-server online te folgjen en troch harren folge te wurden, en stiet ûnder kontrôle fan net ien, útsein dy fan dy.

Mear ynfo

Moderaasje sa as it heart

Mastodon leit de beslútfoarming wer yn dyn hannen. Elke server makket harren eigen rigels en foarskriften, dy’t lokaal hanthavene wurde en net fan boppe ôf, lykas sosjale media fan bedriuwen, wêrtroch it it meast fleksibel is yn it reagearjen op de behoeften fan ferskate groepen minsken. Wurd lid fan in server mei de rigels wêrmei’tsto akkoard giest, of host dyn eigen.

Sykje in server

Bjusterbaarlike kreativiteit

Mastodon stipet audio-, fideo- en fotoberjochten, tagonklikheidsbeskriuwingen, enkêten, ynhâldswarskôgingen, animearre avatars, oanpaste emoji, kontrôle oer it bywurkjen fan miniatueren en mear, om dy te helpen dysels online te uterjen. Oftsto no dyn keunst, muzyk of podcast publisearrest, Mastodon stiet foar dy klear.

Mear ynfo

Wêrom Mastodon?


Direkte wrâldwide kommunikaasje is te wichtich om oan ien bedriuw ta te litten. Elke Mastodon-server is folslein ûnôfhinklik en foarmet tegearre mei oare servers ien wrâldwiid sosjaal netwurk.

Iepen boarne

Mastodon is frije en iepen-boarnesoftware. Wy leauwe yn dyn rjocht om Mastodon nei eigen goedtinken te brûken, kopiearjen, bestudearjen en te wizigjen, en wy profitearje fan bydragen út de mienskip.

Net te keap

Wy respektearje dyn hannelsbekwaamheid. Dyn tiidline wurdt troch dy gearstald en oanmakke. Wy sille nea advertinsjes of profilen oan dy opdriuwe. Dat betsjut dat dyn gegevens en dyn tiid fan dy en allinnich fan dy binne.


Mastodon is boud op iepen webprotokollen en kin kommunisearje mei elk oar platfoarm dat ActivityPub ymplemintearret. Mei ien account krigesto tagong ta in hiel universum oan sosjale apps: de fediverse.

Wat ús brûkers sizze

I've made so many friends on Mastodon because I can actually talk to people instead of getting buried by algorithms that reward meaningless numbers over actual interaction.

infinite love ⴳ

Mastodon does an amazing job at giving communities the autonomy necessary to thrive by giving them the keys to federate and moderate their own servers. But don't let that alone overshadow the fact that it simply does features that the major social networks try to do (e.g. image captioning, content warnings) astoundingly better.


Mastodon has changed my opinion of social media, it's a refreshing take on microblogging with a focus on privacy and safety.

Mastodon is a privacy-friendly way to communicate with people which are interested in my work and the work of my authority. gives us the opportunity to incubate Mastodon accounts even for other federal authorities.


Mastodon allowed us to create a non-profit, abuse-free social network based on open web standards and principles, all the while allowing our moderators and members to reinvigorate the early web values of community, camaraderie and respect using modern, accessible technologies.

Mastodon is a well-moderated fully-functional microblogging service with some great features!


It's social media with moderation that actually works.


I could have joined an existing community, but I decided to self-host Mastodon.My posts to the world are replicated from my own servers and can be traced back to their originals. Since I own it, the platform will not be terminated or removed at the platform's discretion, and I can provide a long and stable service. I finally have this. Yay!


It's good software

Great community, friendly atmosphere, and free software! What else would you possibly need?

I wanted to have a federated social network since 2013 that looked and felt great and where I can connect to like-minded people. Mastodon just gave me the last puzzle piece and I absolutely love it! Probably spend more than five hours a day on my own little space with a friendly community that truly cares.

I'm personally addicted to Mastodon, for me it's like if Facebook or Twitter had a friendly version— where I can discuss things with people around the world about every single thing they love. If there's a subreddit for everything, of course there's also a Mastodon community for everything: I've got one profile for sharing art, another one for casual conversation and another one for politics.
Illustration of elephant characters on a globe.

Altyd ûnôfhinklik

Mastodon is frije en iepen-boarnesoftware, ûntwikkele troch in non-profitorganisaasje. Iepenbiere stipe hâldt de ûntwikkeling yn stân.

Stipe troch

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